Appenzell, Switzerland during Travel Through Europe via car which included Germany, Austria and Italy as well
I remember one night near the Bodensee region, where we were so tired driving around for a place to stay. I was in my ‘trying to find a hotel close to our next morning’s destination’ mode…pushed it a little too far until nearly 1:00 am. We finally found a place called Godfried’s…thank god it was open! So many businesses, including hotels and restaurants close early in the little towns speckled across Europe…well, we got a great price for a nice size suite, and after 10 minutes of being in the room there was a knock on the door….Godfried was standing there with a huge platter of bread, meats, cheeses, fruit and a bottle of wine. The kitchen was closed, but he himself went back there and made us this platter. That is a memory I will not forgot….