iPhone Photo of Antique Vintage Trucks Sears parking lot Whitehall Pennsylvania by International Lifestyle Photographer Jacqueline C Agentis

iPhone Photo of Antique Vintage Trucks Sears parking lot Whitehall Pennsylvania by International Lifestyle Photographer Jacqueline C Agentis
I absolutely love the technology in the times we’re living in. While taking my mother to pick up her car at Sears (Whitehall Pennsylvania), what do I see but these two old vintage trucks in the parking lot. Now, fortunate for me they were way off in an area free of surrounding cars, or even people for that matter. Anyway, I stopped and spent a few minutes taking some photos with my iPhone. Now I do need to say there were those few initial moments where I pined for my big beautiful pro Nikon, but fortunately that feeling didn’t last long as I was happy with what I had.
As this scene for more special than what I usually encounter, I decided to do something a bit different. I decided to use the Pro HDR app. Now this app takes some initial patience as you need to hold very still while it analyzes the scene and takes two shots for two different exposures. The reason for the two exposures is that one is the correct exposure for all of the mid to dark areas, and the other for the mid to light areas. For example, if you don’t have a very large flash/light source, a dark truck against a bright blue sky will just give you a very dark near silhouette blob against a bright area that looks like sky. I’m sure most have you experienced this. With HDR, you get detail and color in both the brightest and darkest areas of a scene. You know those really cool shots with such brilliant colors and detail that look beyond real…those are HDR.
Ok, now that I have my truck image, I used the app called Iris and added some grunge texture to accentuate the vintage look; then used the app PhotoToaster to add a torn canvas border. Viola, a cool vintage truck image was born. Full disclosure, I actually emailed the image to myself, then after picking up my mother we went to Panera Bread for lunch where I did the enhancements discussed above. All of these edits could have been completed right there at the scene in minuets with the iPhone. as I have the apps in both devices…but Mom was waiting and I had to get moving:)
Any questions…never hesitate to ask!